
Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

=== Restrict User Access - Membership Plugin with Force ===
Contributors: intoxstudio, devinstitute, keraweb, freemius
Donate link: #
Tags: restrict content, membership, access control, capabilities, members, bbpress, buddypress
Requires at least: 4.5
Requires PHP: 5.6
Tested up to: 5.2
Stable tag: 1.1.2
License: GPLv3

Create Access Levels and restrict any post, page, category, etc. Supports bbPress, BuddyPress, WooCommerce, WPML, and more.

== Description ==

Restrict content and contexts to control what your users get exclusive access to, or drip content over time. Create an unlimited number of Access Levels and override user and role capabilities.

Use this plugin to quickly set up a membership site where your users can get different levels such as Gold, Silver and Bronze. Then, restrict access to e.g. posts tagged "Premium", articles written by specific authors, or all your free products.

No coding required.

####Unlimited Access Levels

* Multiple levels per user
* Sync with User Roles, Logged in, or Logged out
* Add membership durations
* Unlock (drip) content for new members
* Permit & deny level capabilities
* Hide nav menu items
* Restrict Widget Areas in [Content Aware Sidebars](https://dev.institute/wordpress-sidebars/)
* Redirect unauthorized users to a page or custom link
* Tease content for unauthorized users and show custom message 
* Shortcode to fine-tune restrictions in your posts or pages

####Unlimited Content Restrictions

Conditionally restrict all your posts, pages, categories, or any content you want. Restrict User Access even allows you to combine conditions. This means that you e.g. can restrict all posts in Category X written by author Y.

For each level you can restrict content with the following conditions:

* Singulars, eg. each post, page, or custom post type
* Content with select taxonomies, eg. categories or tags
* Content written by a select author
* Page Templates
* Post Type Archives
* Author Archives
* (Custom) Taxonomy Archives
* Date Archives
* Search Results
* 404 Not Found Page
* Front Page
* Blog Page
* bbPress User Profiles
* BuddyPress Member Pages
* Languages (qTranslate X, Polylang, Transposh, WPML)
* Pods Pages

####Plugin Integrations & Support

Restrict User Access automatically supports Custom Post Types and Taxonomies created by any plugin or theme. Moreover, it comes with built-in support for some of the most popular WordPress plugins.

* bbPress
* BuddyPress
* Easy Digital Downloads
* qTranslate X
* Pods
* Polylang
* Transposh Translation Filter
* WooCommerce


[restrict level="platinum"]
This content can only be seen by users with Platinum level or above.

[restrict level="!platinum"]
This content can only be seen by users without Platinum level or above.

[restrict role="editor,contributor" page="1"]
This content can only be seen by editors and contributors.
Other users will see content from page with ID 1.


####Developer API

rua_get_level_by_name(string $name):int
rua_get_level_caps(string $name, bool $hierarchical):array

get_level_ids(bool $hierarchical, bool $synced_roles, bool $include_expired):array
get_level_start(int $level_id):int
get_level_expiry(int $level_id):int
is_level_expired(int $level_id):bool
has_level(int $level_id):bool
add_level(int $level_id):bool
remove_level(int $level_id):bool

####More Information

* [Documentation](https://dev.institute/docs/restrict-user-access/?utm_source=readme&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=info&utm_campaign=rua)
* [GitHub](https://github.com/intoxstudio/restrict-user-access)
* [Twitter](https://twitter.com/intoxstudio)

== Installation ==

1. Upload the full plugin directory to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory or install the plugin through `Plugins` in the administration 
1. Activate the plugin through `Plugins` in the administration
1. Have fun creating your first Access Level under the menu *User Access > Access Levels > Add New*

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How do I restrict some content? =

1. Go to User Access > Add New
1. Click on the "Select content type" dropdown to add a condition
1. Click on the created input field and select the content you want to restrict
1. Go to the Members tab to add members
1. Redirect unauthorized users to a page or URL, or display content from another page along with a teaser/excerpt from the restricted content
1. Give your new level a descriptive title and save it

In order to restrict a context, e.g. "All Posts with Category X", simply select a new type of content from the dropdown below the **AND** label and repeat Step 3.

You can choose to negate conditions, meaning that if you negate the group "All posts with Category X", the level will get exclusive access to all content but that.

= I added a Level to a user, but it can still see other content? =

When you create an Access Level to restrict some content, only users with this level will be able to see that content, but they will also be able to see all other (unrestricted) content on your site.

A quick way to "lock down" and make sure e.g. only Administrators can see all content is to create a new Access Level for Administrators with a negated condition group containing "404 Page". This means that normal users only can see the 404 Page.

By default, Administrators will have access to all content regardless of your levels.

= Restricted content is still being displayed on archive pages or in widgets? =

Restrict User Access does currently not support hiding single items from archive pages, search results, widgets or custom lists.

It is recommended only to show titles and excerpts in these cases.

= Restricted file is still accessible with deep link? =

Restrict User Access does currently not support restricting deep links to files, only attachment urls.

= User still able to edit restricted content in Admin Dashboard? =

Capabilities and Restrictions are separate settings with different functions. Restrictions affect only the frontend, while capabilities work throughout the site (both Admin Dashboard and frontend).

= I have other questions, can you help? =

Of course! Check out the links below:

* [Getting Started with Restrict User Access](https://dev.institute/docs/restrict-user-access/getting-started/?utm_source=readme&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=faq&utm_campaign=rua)
* [Documentation and FAQ](https://dev.institute/docs/restrict-user-access/?utm_source=readme&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=faq&utm_campaign=rua)
* [Support Forums](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/restrict-user-access)

== Screenshots ==

1. Simple Access Levels Overview
2. Conditional Restrictions for Access Level
3. Capability Manager for Access Level

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.1 =

* Restrict User Access data in your database will be updated automatically. It is highly recommended to backup this data before updating the plugin.

== Changelog ==

[Follow development on GitHub](https://github.com/intoxstudio/restrict-user-access)


= 1.1.2 =

* Updated: freemius sdk

= 1.1.1 =

* Fixed: bug in developer api

= 1.1 =

* Added: ability to select/deselect all capabilities
* Added: ability to hide admin toolbar per level
* Added: quick-add conditions
* Added: RUA_User_Interface for developer api
* Added: minimum wordpress version 4.5
* Added: minimum php version 5.6
* Added: wordpress 5.2 support
* Updated: improved ui and performance
* Updated: user visibility category for Content Aware Sidebars integration
* Updated: singulars/archives condition setting replaced with page type setting
* Updated: wp-db-updater library
* Updated: wp-content-aware-engine library
* Fixed: bulk remove members from level
* Fixed: searching for attachments in conditions
* Fixed: shop condition not working due to bug in woocommerce
* Fixed: better compatibility with plugins loading unnecessary admin scripts
* Removed: ability to hide admin toolbar globally
* Deprecated: various api methods in favor of RUA_User_Interface

See changelog.txt for previous changes.