
Another monolog handler whose filename is base on datetime.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Monolog timefile handler


monolog-timefile-handler is available via composer. Just add the following code to your composer.json file under required section and execute command composer update or you can run:

composer require yaxin/monolog-timefile-handler


The handler needs some parameters:

  • $filename: This specify the log file name which can specify datetime within $(datetime_format), and the datetime format accepted by php date() function.

  • $level: An integer type defined by Monolog log level, default is 100 which means DEBUG.

  • $bubble: Whether the messages that are handled can bubble up the stack or not, default is true.

  • $filePermission: Optional file permissions (default (0644) are only for owner read/write).

  • $useLocking: Try to lock log file before doing any writes, default is false.


use Monolog\Logger;
use Yaxin\TimefileHandler\TimefileHandler;

$logger = new Logger('app');
$handler = new TimefileHandler('/tmp/app_%(Ymd_H).log', Logger::INFO);
$logger->warning('This is a message');

Then you can get the log message in /tmp/app_<datatime>.log file.


This tool is free software and is distributed under the MIT license. Please have a look at the LICENSE file for further information.