
A semi-unrealistic implementation of the classic predator-prey relationship.

Primary LanguageRuby

Lynx and Snowshoe Hare Cycle

A semi-unrealistic implementation of the classic predator-prey relationship

Run the program

From the root directory, in your terminal: rake console

Once IRB starts, create a new ecosystem and pass in the starting numbers of moss, hares, and lynx.

e = Ecosystem.new(100, 50, 2)

OR, enter rake run_sim in your terminal to run a pre-set simulation.



Moss grows by eating sunlight. It can reproduce after it attains a certain volume.


Snowshoe hares (in this scenario) survive by eating moss. They can reproduce once they reach adult size.


Lynx prey on hares. They can reproduce once they reach adult size.


The ecosystem tracks the number of animals of any given type. It also monitors the amount of sunlight, which varies by season. The ecosystem tracks and advances time in the form of seasons.

It has an API that all animals interact with in order to be part of the environment.

Open questions / next steps

  1. Animals need to eat, reproduce, and die according to their volume, environment and predators. Where should I add that behavior -- to the ecosystem? to the animals? who should send and receive those messages?
  2. Should I add a "Simulation" class that runs simulations and keeps time, rather than having the environment do it?