
A configuration file for Terminator including Vim-like navigation keybindings


A configuration file for Terminator including Vim-like navigation keybindings


  1. Clone this repo, or simply download the ./config file directly
  2. Copy the [keybindings] section
  3. Paste it inside your own config file located in ~/.config/terminator/config, optionally keeping your own keybindings
  4. Reload Terminator
  5. Done!


  • Closing:
    • Close current terminal: Ctrl + W
    • Close current window: Ctrl + Q
  • Copying/Pasting
    • Copy: Ctrl + Alt + C
    • Paste: Ctrl + Alt + V
  • Navigation:
    • Next Terminal: Ctrl + Tab
    • Previous Terminal: Ctrl + Shift + Tab
    • Terminal Left/Down/Up/Riht: Alt + H/J/K/L
    • Switch to Terminal 1-9: Alt + 1-9
    • Open New Tab: Ctrl + T
    • Next Tab: Ctrl + L
    • Previous Tab: Ctrl + H
    • Move Current Tab Left: Ctrl + Shift + H
    • Move Current Tab Right: Ctrl + Shift + L
    • Switch to Tab 1-9: Ctrl + 1-9
    • Move 1 Line Up: Super(win) + K
    • Move 1 Like Down: Super(win) + J
  • Splitting:
    • Split vertically: Ctrl + Alt + E
    • Split Horizontally: Ctrl + Alt + O
  • Open Layout Launcher: Shift + Tilde

NOTE: I had to rebind the Open Layout Launcher action to something arbitrary because it previously used one of the above desired shortcuts. Feel free to rebind it.