
A general-purpose hash table library implementation written in C11.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


A general-purpose hash table library implementation written in C11. Initially developed with the purpose of helping better understand the ins-and-outs of the hash table data structure, it has since evolved into a very solid and usable library.

The main goals are:

  • Allow for keys and values of arbitrary lengths and types
  • Provide a sane, easy to use API


Development is done using meson as the build system. The only other dependecy is a modern C compiler.

  1. Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/bool3max/bhashmap
$ cd bhashmap
  1. Setup a build directory
$ meson setup <build_directory> --buildtype release
  1. (OPTIONAL) Setup benchmark files

If you wish to also compile a suite of benchmark executables:

$ meson configure <build_directory> -D build_benchmarks=true
$ wget 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dwyl/english-words/master/words.txt'
  1. Compile
$ meson compile -C <build_directory>
  1. Install
# meson install -C <build_directory>


A few meson build options are available. They can be set by running meson's configure command as follows:

$ meson configure <build_directory> -D <option>=<value>
Option name Values Default value Description
debug_functions true, false false Enable debug message logging.
debug_benchmark true, false false Enable benchmark logging.
build_benchmarks true, false false Build the benchmark suite.

If you built the benchmarks, they will be present as executables in the build directory with names beginning with bench_ and can be ran directly.



BHashMap *
bhm_create(const size_t capacity, const BHashMapConfig *user_config);

Create a new BHashMap with the specified initial capacity and configuration. If capacity is 0, a default value is used instead.

The BHashMapConfig type is defined as follows, and allows the caller to supply additional configuration options to be used in the new hash map instance:

typedef struct BHashMapConfig {
    double max_load_factor;
    size_t resize_growth_factor;
    bhm_hash_function hashfunc;
} BHashMapConfig;

If any of the fields of the configuration struct is 0, a default value is used in its place. If user_config is NULL, default values are used for all of the configuration options. Thus, if one wants to create a hash map with a fully default set of configuration options, one should use the following call:

bhm_create(0, NULL);

The bhm_hash_function type is defined as follows, and allows the caller to use a custom hash function throughout the lifetime of hash map instance:

typedef uint32_t (*bhm_hash_function)(const void *data, size_t len);

If the hash function one wants to use does not conform to this prototype, one may then define a wrapper that does, and pass that wrapper to bhm_create.

Returns a BHashMap * on success, and NULL on failure.


bhm_set(BHashMap *map, const void *key, const size_t keylen, const void *data); 

Insert a new key-value pair into the map, or update the associated value of an existing key. When a new key-value pair is inserted, a copy of the key is made and stored internally.

Returns true on success, and false on failure.


void *
bhm_get(const BHashMap *map, const void *key, const size_t keylen); 

Retrieve the associated value of a key.

Returns a pointer to the value on success, and NULL on failure.


bhm_remove(BHashMap *map, const void *key, const size_t keylen); 

Remove a key from the map.

Returns true if the key was found and removed successfully, and false if the key wasn't found in the map.


bhm_iterate(const BHashMap *map, bhm_iterator_callback callback_function); 

For each key-value pair in the map, call the passed in callback function, passing it a pointer to the key, and a pointer to its associated value.

The bhm_iterator_callback type is defined as follows:

typedef void (*bhm_iterator_callback)(const void *key, const size_t keylen, void *value);

Note the const next to the key parameter - the key is internal to the data structure, and should not be modified once set.


bhm_count(const BHashMap *map); 

Return the count of key-value pairs currently in the map.


bhm_get_config(const BHashMap *map);

Return the configuration instance currently in use by the specified hash map. NOTE: This function returns an actual struct instance, not a pointer.


bhm_destroy(BHashMap *map);

Free all resources occupied by the BHashMap data structure. Attempting to access the map afterwards is considered and error.


bhm_print_debug_stats(const BHashMap *map, FILE *stream);

Log various statistics concerning the internals of the hash map to the specified FILE * stream.

Internals & design decisions

  • The implementation handles collisions via the separate chaining technique.

  • When storing key-value pairs in the hash map, the implementation creates and stores copies of the keys. This is a deliberate design decision that imposes additional memory and runtime overhead1, but allows for more freedom for the API consumer - they are free to mess with the memory of the key once it has been inserted.

  • The default hash function for computing the hash of the keys used by the library is MurmurHash3.

1 Allocating memory for, copying, as well as freeing the memory of copies of the keys all take additional time and memory.
