is a binding of multihash C++ library exposed by Oliver Weichhold for coinfoundry/miningcore project.
Use the dub package manager.
The following dependencies are required to build the original cryptonote library: - sodium-devel
Available build configurations:
dub build --config=static // use a local static library
dub build --config=shared // use a shared library
dub test // run unit tests
- scrypt
- quark
- x11
- x15
- x17
- neoscrypt
- scryptn
- kezzak
- bcrypt
- skein
- groestl
- groestl
- blake
- blake2s
- dcrypt
- fugue
- qubit
- s3
- hefty1
- shavite3
- nist5
- fresh
- jh
- c11
- x16r
- x16s
- lyra2re
- lyra2rev2
- equihash
- sha3_256
- sha3_512
- ethash