
An xyz chemical file format parser and tools for interacting with xyz files.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An xyz chemical file format parser and tools for interacting with xyz files.


For use in your scripts:

npm i --save @atomistics/xyz

To install it globally and use the provided cli scripts:

npm i -g @atomistics/xyz


const xyz = require('@atomistics/xyz');

// xyz assumes we're going to get a trajectory, so it will return
// an array of images. Note that we grab the zeroth image.
const caffeine = xyz(`24
H      -3.3804130    -1.1272367     0.5733036
N       0.9668296    -1.0737425    -0.8198227
C       0.0567293     0.8527195     0.3923156
N      -1.3751742    -1.0212243    -0.0570552
C      -1.2615018     0.2590713     0.5234135
C      -0.3068337    -1.6836331    -0.7169344
C       1.1394235     0.1874122    -0.2700900
N       0.5602627     2.0839095     0.8251589
O      -0.4926797    -2.8180554    -1.2094732
C      -2.6328073    -1.7303959    -0.0060953
O      -2.2301338     0.7988624     1.0899730
H       2.5496990     2.9734977     0.6229590
C       2.0527432    -1.7360887    -1.4931279
H      -2.4807715    -2.7269528     0.4882631
H      -3.0089039    -1.9025254    -1.0498023
H       2.9176101    -1.8481516    -0.7857866
H       2.3787863    -1.1211917    -2.3743655
H       1.7189877    -2.7489920    -1.8439205
C      -0.1518450     3.0970046     1.5348347
C       1.8934096     2.1181245     0.4193193
N       2.2861252     0.9968439    -0.2440298
H      -0.1687028     4.0436553     0.9301094
H       0.3535322     3.2979060     2.5177747
H      -1.2074498     2.7537592     1.7203047

// The atomic numbers of each atom.

> [ 1, 7, 6, 7, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 6, 8, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 7, 1, 1, 1 ]

// xyz will package the positions into an ndarray.

> Float64Array [  -3.380413, -1.1272367, 0.5733036, ... 1.7203047 ]


const xyz = require("@atomistics/xyz");

const trajectory = xyz(data);
Parameter Type Description
data string xyz file chemical format string

Returns a list of images, where each image contains the atomic numbers and atom positions:

Name Type Description
trajectory[N].numbers int array An array of atomic numbers.
trajectory[N].positions ndarray An ndarray of shape [atom count, 3] containing the position of each atom.



xyz2json inputfile.xyz

Converts inputfile.xyz to json and prints the result to stdout.


$ xyz2json h2.xyz > h2.json
$ cat h2.json



xyz2js inputfile.xyz

Converts inputfile.xyz to a javascript module and prints the result to stdout.


$ xyz2js h2.xyz > h2.js
$ cat h2.js

const ndarray = require("ndarray");

const data = JSON.parse('[{"positions":[0,0,0,1,0,0],"numbers":[1,1]}]');

module.exports = data.map(d => {
  return {
    positions: ndarray(new Float64Array(d.positions), [d.positions.length/3, 3]),
    numbers: d.numbers,