
A collection of static cross compiled binaries for android

Primary LanguageShell

Cross Compiled Binaries for Android

This repo contains a variety of binaries cross compiled for android with Android NDK. All are static linked unless in a dynamic folder. Feel free to use them for whatever. Also contains some files for ccbins mod

Binaries Build Script

You can find the build script for these in the build_scripts folder.

Actively Maintained:

  • Aria2 (v1.36.0) - to use static linked without root, use --async-dns --async-dns-server=<yourdnserver,yourotherdnsserver> (not needed for dynamic linked)
    • For use in an installer zip - use static linked
    • For use on a device - use dynamic linked if on Oreo (API 26) or newer
  • Bash (v5.1.8)
  • Bc (v1.07.1)
  • Brotli (v1.0.9)
  • Coreutils (v9.0) - has selinux support, openssl support, and includes patches for advanced cp/mv (adds progress bar functionality)
  • Cpio (v2.12) - v2.13 is bugged so staying with this version
  • Curl (v7.80.0) - boringssl support and more - working ssl, to use static linked without root, use --dns-servers <yourdnserver,yourotherdnsserver> (not needed for dynamic linked)
    • For use in an installer zip - use static linked
    • For use on a device - use dynamic linked if on Oreo (API 26) or newer
  • Diffutils (v3.8)
  • Ed (v1.17)
  • Exa (v0.10.1) - dynamic only
  • Findutils (v4.8.0)
  • Gawk (Awk) (v5.1.0)
  • Grep (v3.7)
  • Gzip (v1.11)
  • Htop (v3.1.1)
  • Iftop (v1.0pre4) - dynamic only
  • Iw (v5.9)
  • Keycheck
  • Nano (v6.0)
  • Nethogs (v0.8.6)
  • Ncursesw (v6.2) - only terminfo files - needed for some binaries such as htop
  • Nmap (v7.92) - dynamic only
  • Openssl (v3.0.0)
  • Patch (v2.7.6)
  • Patchelf (v0.13)
  • RClone (v1.57.0)
  • Sed (v4.8)
  • Sqlite3 (v3.36.0) - dynamic only
  • Strace (v5.14)
  • Tar (v1.34)
  • Tcpdump (v4.99.1)
  • Vim (v8.2.3564)
  • Wget2 (v2.0.0) - dynamic only
  • Xmlstarlet
  • Xxd (v1.10)
  • Zip (v3.0)
  • Zsh (v5.8.0)
  • Zstd (v1.5.0)


These are binaries that will be left "as is". I will not be updating them anymore

  • Wavemon (v0.9.3) - note that your kernel must have wireless extensions enabled (which most android ones don't). See here and here for more details
