
Markov chain manager written in VLang

Primary LanguageV


VkoV is a smart and easy-to-use Markov Chain manager written in V and based off of boonkov.


import vkov { to_ngram, from_ngram }

sentences := [
  "This is the example input string",
  "This is another example string",
n_order := 1

// Generates N-Gram.
n_gram, beginnings := to_ngram(sentences, n_order) ?
// Uses N-Gram to generate new sentence.
output_string := from_ngram(n_gram, beginnings)




The to_ngram function takes two parameters:

  • input - An array of strings that build up the lexicon.
  • n_order - A number (above 0) that determines the depth of the algorithm (lower number means quirkier responses.

The function returns two objects:

  • n_gram - A map of strings and string arrays used to generate new sentences.
  • beginnings - An array of strings used to determine sentence starters.


The from_ngram function takes two parameters:

  • n_gram - A map of strings and string arrays, can be generated using to_ngram.
  • beginnings - An array of strings, can be generated using to_ngram

The function returns 1 object:

  • result - A string containing a randomly generated sentence based off of the 2 parameters.