Available Custom Commands

  • cmd - Shows this README, with all custom commands


  • gistit - Creates private gist of what is currently on pasteboard.

    example usage: git diff master | pbcopy | gistit

  • ggd - Calls script gistgitdiff for most common usage:

    git diff $1 | pbcopy | gistit $2

    $1: Pass the branch to diff against $2: Name of diff file

  • log - Improved git log, useful with rebase

  • rebase - Rebases up to a specific SHA.

    rebase 9fa9jka3

  • clean-branches - Delete local branches already merged into master.


  • mc_count - Count of the email currently in mailcatcher

  • mc_delete - Deletes all the email currently in mailcatcher


  • r2 - Use how2 stackoverflow cmd to find answers about ruby questions

    r2 <some ruby question>

    If you want to ask a question in a different lang, use:

    how2 -l <lang> <query>


serve - Run simple python server for current dir


  • her - Kicks off mplayer stream for Hollow Earth Radio
  • weather - Show the current weather in your location