
Deploy Moodle with Docker compose


Deploy Moodle with Docker compose

Quick Start

# Clone
$ git clone https://github.com/booox/docker-moodle-go.git
$ cd docker-moodle-go

$ vi docker-compose.yml

# Run Docker Compose
$ docker compose up -d

Wait a few minutes, and Access the home page.

Access your application at http://your-ip:8080


  • Logs
$ docker compose ps
$ docker compose logs
$ docker compose logs moodle
$ docker compose --help
  • Start & Stop
$ docker compose up -d
$ docker compose stop


Backing up your container

To backup your data, configuration and logs, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Stop the currently running container

docker compose stop moodle

Step 2: Create backups folders

mkdir -p backups/moodle-backups backups/db-backups

Step 3: Run the backup command

We need to mount two volumes in a container we will use to create the backup: a directory on your host to store the backup in, and the volumes from the container we just stopped so we can access the data.

  • For Mariadb
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/backups/db-backups:/backups --volumes-from mariadb busybox \
  cp -a /var/lib/mysql /backups/latest
  • For Moodle
docker run --rm -v  $(pwd)/backups/moodle-backups:/backups --volumes-from moodle busybox \
  cp -a /bitnami/moodle /backups/latest

Restoring a backup

Restoring a backup is as simple as mounting the backup as volumes in the containers.

Step 1: Create a network (if it does not exist)

docker network create moodle-network

Step 2. For the MariaDB database container:

docker run -d --name mariadb \
  --env MYSQL_ROOT_USER=root \
  --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=moodle \
  --env MYSQL_DATABASE=moodle \
  --network moodle-network \
  --volume $(pwd)/backups/db-backups/latest:/var/lib/mysql \

Step 3. For the Moodle™ container:

docker run -d --name moodle \
  -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 \
  --env MOODLE_DATABASE_HOST=mariadb \
  --env MOODLE_DATABASE_NAME=moodle \
  --network moodle-network \
  --volume $(pwd)/backups/moodle-backups/latest:/bitnami/moodle \


(COPY From bitnami/moodle: Link)

Environment variables

If you want to add a new environment variable:

For docker-compose add the variable name and value under the application section in the docker-compose.yml file present in this repository:

    - MOODLE_PASSWORD=my_password

Available environment variables:

User and Site configuration

MOODLE_USERNAME: Moodle application username. Default: user

MOODLE_PASSWORD: Moodle application password. Default: bitnami

MOODLE_EMAIL: Moodle application email. Default: user@example.com

MOODLE_SITE_NAME: Moodle site name. Default: New Site

MOODLE_SKIP_BOOTSTRAP: Do not initialize the Moodle database for a new deployment. This is necessary in case you use a database that already has Moodle data. Default: no

MOODLE_HOST: Allows you to configure Moodle's wwwroot feature. Ex: example.com. By default it is a PHP superglobal variable. Default: $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']

MOODLE_REVERSEPROXY: Allows you to activate the reverseproxy feature of Moodle. Default: no

MOODLE_SSLPROXY: Allows you to activate the sslproxy feature of Moodle. Default: no

MOODLE_LANG: Allows you to set the default site language. Default: en

Use an existing database

MOODLE_DATABASE_TYPE: Database type. Valid values: mariadb, mysqli, pgsql, auroramysql. Default: mariadb

MOODLE_DATABASE_HOST: Hostname for database server. Default: mariadb

MOODLE_DATABASE_PORT_NUMBER: Port used by database server. Default: 3306

MOODLE_DATABASE_NAME: Database name that Moodle will use to connect with the database. Default: bitnami_moodle

MOODLE_DATABASE_USER: Database user that Moodle will use to connect with the database. Default: bn_moodle

MOODLE_DATABASE_PASSWORD: Database password that Moodle will use to connect with the database. No defaults.

ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD: It can be used to allow blank passwords. Default: no

Create a database for Moodle using mysql-client

MYSQL_CLIENT_FLAVOR: SQL database flavor. Valid values: mariadb or mysql. Default: mariadb.

MYSQL_CLIENT_DATABASE_HOST: Hostname for MariaDB server. Default: mariadb

MYSQL_CLIENT_DATABASE_PORT_NUMBER: Port used by MariaDB server. Default: 3306

MYSQL_CLIENT_DATABASE_ROOT_USER: Database admin user. Default: root

MYSQL_CLIENT_DATABASE_ROOT_PASSWORD: Database password for the database admin user. No defaults.

MYSQL_CLIENT_CREATE_DATABASE_NAME: New database to be created by the mysql client module. No defaults.

MYSQL_CLIENT_CREATE_DATABASE_USER: New database user to be created by the mysql client module. No defaults.


MYSQL_CLIENT_CREATE_DATABASE_CHARACTER_SET: Character set to use for the new database. No defaults.

MYSQL_CLIENT_CREATE_DATABASE_COLLATE: Database collation to use for the new database. No defaults.

MYSQL_CLIENT_CREATE_DATABASE_PRIVILEGES: Database privileges to grant for the user specified in MYSQL_CLIENT_CREATE_DATABASE_USER to the database specified in MYSQL_CLIENT_CREATE_DATABASE_NAME. No defaults.

MYSQL_CLIENT_ENABLE_SSL_WRAPPER: Whether to force SSL connections to the database via the mysql CLI tool. Useful for applications that rely on the CLI instead of APIs. Default: no

MYSQL_CLIENT_ENABLE_SSL: Whether to force SSL connections for the database. Default: no

MYSQL_CLIENT_SSL_CA_FILE: Path to the SSL CA file for the new database. No defaults

MYSQL_CLIENT_SSL_CERT_FILE: Path to the SSL CA file for the new database. No defaults

MYSQL_CLIENT_SSL_KEY_FILE: Path to the SSL CA file for the new database. No defaults

ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD: It can be used to allow blank passwords. Default: no

Create a database for Moodle using postgresql-client

POSTGRESQL_CLIENT_DATABASE_HOST: Hostname for the PostgreSQL server. Default: postgresql

POSTGRESQL_CLIENT_DATABASE_PORT_NUMBER: Port used by the PostgreSQL server. Default: 5432

POSTGRESQL_CLIENT_POSTGRES_USER: Database admin user. Default: root

POSTGRESQL_CLIENT_POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Database password for the database admin user. No defaults.

POSTGRESQL_CLIENT_CREATE_DATABASE_NAMES: List of new databases to be created by the postgresql-client module. No defaults.

POSTGRESQL_CLIENT_CREATE_DATABASE_USER: New database user to be created by the postgresql-client module. No defaults.


POSTGRESQL_CLIENT_CREATE_DATABASE_EXTENSIONS: PostgreSQL extensions to enable in the specified database during the first initialization. No defaults.

POSTGRESQL_CLIENT_EXECUTE_SQL: SQL code to execute in the PostgreSQL server. No defaults.

ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD: It can be used to allow blank passwords. Default: no

SMTP Configuration

To configure Moodle™ to send email using SMTP you can set the following environment variables:



MOODLE_SMTP_USER: SMTP account user.

MOODLE_SMTP_PASSWORD: SMTP account password.


PHP configuration

PHP_ENABLE_OPCACHE: Enable OPcache for PHP scripts. No default.

PHP_EXPOSE_PHP: Enables HTTP header with PHP version. No default.

PHP_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME: Maximum execution time for PHP scripts. No default.

PHP_MAX_INPUT_TIME: Maximum input time for PHP scripts. No default.

PHP_MAX_INPUT_VARS: Maximum amount of input variables for PHP scripts. No default.

PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT: Memory limit for PHP scripts. Default: 256M

PHP_POST_MAX_SIZE: Maximum size for PHP POST requests. No default.

PHP_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE: Maximum file size for PHP uploads. No default.