ssh agent with extra capabilities, history logging.
The goal is an extension to ssh-agent to fullfill a few things.
Centralised logging of all command history. Add a small binary or script intended to be called on the CLIENT side bash command prompt to send a message over ssh-agent channel. The client can probably simply be a bash function to format the message. (printf into the pipe?)
PKI Certificate managment. Provide a PKCS#11 implementation that tunnels over ssh-agent. A shared library on target hosts, so that wget, curl, git, firefox etc can use your PKI credentials. Possibly pass through to a PKCS#11 thing such as GnomeKeyRing to manage all the above.
Make em smaller. 4MB is OK.. but sheesh. go build -ldflags="-s -w" Plus get UPX to pack them smaller. (not in RHEL :-( )
Maybe the message code in go might be small fast enough to ignore bash? (Especially since would still need .so for PKSC#11 api)
Testing... with bash. Getting binary output needs a escape codes. To do it dynamically, chain 2 printfs printf '\x23\n' | xxd printf $(printf '\x%d\n' 23 ) | xxd
Talking to unix domain sockets seems to need netcat. printf '\x0\x0\x0\x01\xB' | nc -U $SSH_AUTH_SOCK
printf '\x0\x0\x0\x0A\x1B\x0\x0\x0\x05Hello' | nc -U $SSH_AUTH_SOCK printf '\x0\lx0\x0\x0E\x1B\x0\x0\x0\x05Hello\x0\x0\x0\x0' | nc -U $SSH_AUTH_SOCK | xxd printf '\x0\x0\x0\x0E\x1B\x0\x0\x0\x05Hello\x0\x0\x0\x0' | nc -U $SSH_AUTH_SOCK | xxd
Message format is 4 bytes of message length, then 1 byte of message type, then per message.
E.g. list identities: Type 11 (0xB) agent extension: Type 27 (0x1B) Then a string, then byte[] string is a 32bit length, then bytes. (ie same as message) byte[] in Extension message needs to be a string too (according to golang server)
Notes. Ssh agent seems to close socket on response, so golang code setup to do the same.
Hooking into bash history... There is trap DEBUG and PROMPT_COMMAND and PS0
PS0 does what we want, but is only on bash 4.4+. :-( PROMPT_COMMAND only fires when command finishes. Lame if it never does. DEBUG trap fires for every command on the line, so you get duplicates.
BASH_COMMAND ... might be the same as history 1 maybe The Debug trap thing would be bad if smashing a loop, so we will just detect a dupe to prevent that. (You can use A combo of DEBUG and PROMPT_COMMAND to supress the duplicates but that is probably not required)
Just checking the history number We just use history to dedupe,
function PreCommand() {
local _cmd
_cmd=$(history 1)
if [[ $_cmd != $_lastCommand ]]
#echo CHANGEd _cmd=$_cmd _lastCommand=$_lastCommand BASH_COMMAND="$BASH_COMMAND"
# TODO send history here
trap PreCommand DEBUG
More complex way to simulate PS0, uses both DEBUG trap and PROMPT_COMMAND
# This will run before any command is executed.
function PreCommand() {
if [ -z "$AT_PROMPT" ]; then
# Do stuff.
echo "Running PreCommand"
trap "PreCommand" DEBUG
# This will run after the execution of the previous full command line. We don't
# want it PostCommand to execute when first starting a bash session (i.e., at
# the first prompt).
function PostCommand() {
if [ -n "$FIRST_PROMPT" ]; then
# Do stuff.
echo "Running PostCommand"