
klue-level2-nlp-13-1 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

KLUE - Relation Extraction

Team: CLUE (level2-nlp-13)

  • Lim kyunghyun (Team leader)
  • Kim gangmin
  • Lim hyoseok
  • Yang junhyuk
  • Lee jonghyuk
  • Kim sanguk
  • Kim donghyun


  1. Requirements
  2. Project files
  3. Train
  4. Inference

1. Requirements

torch == 1.9.0+cu102
transformers == 4.10.0
sklearn == 0.24.1
numpy == 1.19.2
pandas == 1.1.5

2. Project files


├── train/
│ ├── train.csv
│ ├── valid.csv
├── test/
│ ├── test_data.csv
├── main.py
├── train.py
├── custom_train.py
├── re_pretraining.py
├── load_data.py
├── model.py
├── mytokenizers.py
├── optimizer.py
├── Loss.py
├── urills.py
├── inference.py
├── two_step_inference.py
├── config.ini
├── pretrained/
│   └── roberta-large-pretrained/
│       └── roberta-large
├── best_model/
│     ├── pytorch.bin
│     ├── pytorch.config
├── prediction/
│   └── submission.csv
├── results/
│   └── checkpointOOOO/
│       ├── pytorch.bin
│       ├── pytorch.config
├── runs/
└── logs/

  • main.py - main process for training
  • train.py - function for train with Trainer, Trainargumets class in transformers library
  • custom_train.py - basic pipe line for pytorch model
  • re_pretraining.py - re pretraining hugging face model with MLM task
  • load_data.py - class and function for data load, tokenizing
  • model.py - models for training
  • mytokenizers.py - tokenizer
  • optimizer.py - optimizer for training
  • Loss.py - loss for training
  • utills.py - Defining functions necessary for the overall process
  • inference.py - inference for single model
  • two_step_infernece - inference for dual model (binary model -> multi model)
  • config.ini - Setting the necessary parameters for the overall learning process

3. Train

  1. config.ini defalut setting
data_path = ./train.csv
test_data_path = ./test_data.csv
label_to_num = ./dict_label_to_num.pkl ; dict
num_to_label = ./dict_num_to_label.pkl ; dict
;need to modify
model_save_path = ./best_model/custom_roberta/
output_dir = ./results/custom_roberta/
logging_dir = ./logs/custom_roberta/
submission_file_name = custom_roberta.csv
augmentation_data_path = ./dataset/aug_data.csv

;need to modify
model_name = any huggingface model name or defined model name
tokenizer_name = any huggingface model name
optimizer_name = AdamW
scheduler_name = CosineAnnealingLR
num_classes = 30
add_special_token = punct / punct_type / special
new_special_token_list = ['[E1]', '[/E1]', '[E2]', '[/E2]']
prediction_mode = all / binary / multi
use_entity_embedding = 1 ;1 is True, 0 is False

;need to modify
loss_name = Crossentropy_foscal
loss1_weight = 0.9
loss2_weight = 0.1

num_train_epochs = 20
learning_rate = 5e-5
batch_size = 32
warmup_steps = 500
weight_decay = 0.01
early_stopping = 15
k_fold_num = 5
random_state = 42
use_aug_data = 0 ;1 is True, 0 is False

logging_steps = 100
save_total_limit = 1
save_steps = 500
evaluation_strategy = steps
eval_steps = 1

;need to modify
run_name = custom_roberta
project = <your project name>
entity = <your entity name>

[Inference] ; for two_step_inference.py
binary_model_path = ''
multi_model_path = ''
  1. main execution
  • -c is mandatory
main.py -c <config file path>
E.g. main.py -c config.ini

4. Inference

4.1 Single model

  • -c is mandatory
inference.py -c <config file path>

4.2 Dual model

two_step_infernece.py -c <config file path>

5. Result

  • final ranking:
    • Scores :
      • F1-score micro : 71.910
      • AUPRC : 79.132
    • Rank : 13 / 19
  • Wandb