
Some documentation about lowering the power consumption of a Raspberry Pi



The purpose of this document is collecting some generic techniques about how to lower the power consumption of Raspberry pi's. The name 'pile' comes from 'Raspberry Pi, low energy'.

Optimization of a Raspberry Pi zero W

Power measurements of a Raspberry Pi zero W

This table represents some measurements of the power consumption of Raspberry Pi zero W connected to WiFi, with no other USB devices, or other peripherals connected. These measurements have been taken from a Portapow premium USB + DC Power Monitor.

Power draw with no optimization Power draw with optimization
~0,583W ~0,500W

Procedure for power optimization

Disable the HDMI port:

Add /usr/bin/tvservice -o to /etc/rc.local

Disable ACT LED:

Add these parameters to /boot/config.txt:

# Disable the ACT LED on the Pi Zero.

Disable Bluetooth:

Add these parameters to /boot/config.txt:

# Disable Bluetooth

Disable Bluetooth services:

sudo systemctl disable hciuart.service
sudo systemctl disable bluealsa.service
sudo systemctl disable bluetooth.service