

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Boost Security Scanner Extension

Executes the Boost Security Scanner cli tool to scan repositories for vulnerabilities and uploads results to the Boost Security API.


Add the following to your azure-pipelines.yml:

  - group: boost-prod
  - name: api_token
    value: $[variables.BOOST_API_TOKEN]

  - checkout: self
    clean: "true"
    fetchDepth: "1"
    persistCredentials: "true"
  - task: BoostSecurityScan@1
      apiToken: $(api_token)
      registryModule: boostsecurityio/native-scanner


additionalArgs (Optional, str)

Additional CLI args to pass to the boost cli.

apiEnabled (Optional, boolean string, default true)

Enable or disable boost uploading results to the boost api

apiEndpoint (Optional, string)

Overrides the API endpoint url

apiToken (Required, string)

The Boost Security API token secret.

NOTE: We recommend you not put the API token directly in your pipeline.yml file. Instead, it should be exposed via a secret.

cliVersion (Optional, string)

Overrides the cli version to download when performing scans. If undefined, this will default to pulling "1".

ignoreFailure (Optional, boolean string, default false)

Ignore any non-zero exit status and always return a success.

logLevel (Optional, string, default INFO)

Change the CLI logging level.

mainBranch (Optional, string)

The name of the main branch that PRs would merge into. This is automatically detected by querying the git server.

preScanCmd (Optional, string)

Optional command to execute prior to scanning. This may be used to generate additional files that are not tracked in git.

registryModule (Required, string)

The relative path towards a module within the Scanner Registry. To streamline the configuration, both the scanners prefix and module.yaml suffix may be omitted.

scannerId (Optional, string)

Optional identifier to uniquely identify the scanner

scanLabel (Optional, string)

Optional identifier to identify a monorepo component

scanPath (Optional, string)

Optional path within the git repository to execute scanners in.

When this parameter is specified, you must also provide a scan_label to identify the component.

scanTimeout (Optional, number)

The optional timeout after which the Github check will be marked as failed. This defaults to 120 seconds.

workingDirectory (Optional, string)

Optional path to change into before executing any commands.