
my i3 & i3 status bar config

Primary LanguageShell

My i3 config and i3 status bar

sudo apt-get install i3
sudo apt-get install i3status
sudo apt-get install i3lock
sudo apt-get install i3blocks
sudo apt-get install xautolock

after cloning this dir run:
ln -s ~/.i3/i3blocks ~/.config/i3blocks
ln -s ~/.i3/ .config/i3
chmod a+x ~/.i3/i3blocks/scripts/*

Edit syslog file to change 4jane to name of your PC


Install font awesome from:
unzip and put in : /usr/local/share/fonts/
sudo fc-cache -fv

Run: i3-msg restart to restart status bar

## Other stuff to install on a new system:
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential
sudo apt-get install cmake clang
cargo install bat
cargo install exa
cargo install fd-find