
Simple Django App

Primary LanguagePython

# A simple django app

## Libraries to install:
sudo apt-get install  python-dev
sudo apt-get install  libpq-dev
sudo apt-get install  python-pip
sudo apt-get install  git

## Setup DB
setup DB here with db name=django_db:
* sudo -u postgres createuser django_user
* sudo -u postgres createdb django_db
* psql  -U postgres
* ALTER USER django_user with password 'django_user';
* GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "django_db" to "django_user";

Edit: /etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.conf
Change the authentication  for postges, find this line:
 * local  all      all          peer
and change peer to md5

## Optional Virtual Env:
An virtual env detour:
* sudo apt-get install  virtualenv
* sudo apt-get install  virtualenvwrapper
* mkvirtualenv hlm

## Get django to initialise the db:
* pip install -r requirements.txt
* python manage.py syncdb

## Start django:
* python manage.py runserver 

## Add django to your init script:
#### If you use `initctl`:
Create a file like this:
* cat /etc/init.d/hlm.conf
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]
exec /home/andy/.virtualenvs/hlm/bin/python /home/andy/happy-little-messages/manage.py runserver 7000
#### If you use `service`:
Either add a file in /etc/init.d/ or launch with crontab -e

To Update service control:
* sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/hlm
* sudo chown root:root /etc/init.d/hlm
* sudo update-rc.d hlm defaults
* sudo update-rc.d hlm enable

## Restart Nginx [If using nginx]:
* sudo service nginx restart