
Debian development Kitchen Sink container image

Primary LanguageDockerfileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Debian development Kitchen Sink container image

This image and its Git repository are deprecated. Please switch to something else. I will no longer update this repository. See below for alternatives that I'm using (some of which I maintain).



This image is based on the standard debian image, with the following added:

  • System utilities:
    • eatmydata
    • procps
    • psmisc
  • General build tools:
    • git
    • patch
    • pristine-tar
    • quilt
  • Debian build / packaging tools:
    • build-essential
    • devscripts
    • dgit
    • fakeroot
    • git-buildpackage
    • jenkins-debian-glue
    • piuparts
  • Networking clients:
    • ca-certificates
    • curl
    • publicsuffix
    • ssh-client
    • wget
  • Linting and testing tools:
    • puppet-lint
    • shellcheck
    • shunit2
    • yamllint
  • Kubernetes clients:
    • helm
    • kubectl
  • Cloud clients:
    • awscli
    • mc (Minio client)


Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Chris Boot bootc@bootc.net

This project is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0. That is, the Dockerfile and supporting materials in this Git repository are covered by the Apache-2.0 license. Note that the contents of generated images are licensed under a variety of other licenses including the GPL.