This site is deployed to
git pull
bundle install
bundle exec shotgun -p 3000 # reloads app in every request for easy development
You can also use Pow
With lisa.
npm install -g lisa
lisa deploy
All pages go in ./views/
Sidebar menus are auto-generated by reading the directory structure and page numbering in ./views/
Pages are written in Markdown / HTML
You can add page metadata (important for SEO) at the top of every page. Example:
:title: "Diseño de plantillas"
:description: "Diseño de plantillas en tu tienda Bootic"
:keywords: diseño, plantillas, customización, personalización
File names are prefixed with numbers (02_themes.mkd). Number prefixes are used for positioning in menus and are stripped off links and URLs.
As well as the directory-tree, pages can be added to groups along with a label
:name: Administración
:label: Cómo administro mi sitio?
is the group name. :label:
is an alternative name for the page in the context of that group.
Images go in public/img, but there's a helper that allows one to freely resize them:
<img src="<%= img('/img/themes/pagination1.png').thumb('500x400').url %>" />
This works thanks to the incredibly awesome Dragonfly Gem :
Another example turning images to greyscale
<%= img('/img/themes/pagination1.png').process(:greyscale).url %>
Pages whose names are in the format draft-some-page (no position number) don'r appear in menus but can be linked to directly.
Commit your changes.
If you DO NOT have have collaborator access but want to contribute:
- fork the repo
- commit your changes to a feature branch
- push to your fork
- create a pull request on Github
If you are a collaborator:
push to master
$ git push origin master