
Bootique app demonstrating the usage of bootique-aws

Primary LanguageJava



A simple Bootique app demonstrating the usage of bootique-aws to access Amazone Web Services. Specifically shows how to access AWS S3 with bootique-aws-s3.

You can find different versions of framework in use at


git clone git@github.com:bootique-examples/bootique-aws-demo.git
mvn clean package


Get an Amazon account that you can play with. Take a note of access key and secret key. Make a copy of the sample config file, and enter both keys in there:

cp config.sample.yml config.yml

# open config.yml in an editor and enter your keys and an AWS region for
# which they have permissions.


To see available options, run the app with --help:

java -jar target/bootique-aws-demo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar  -h

To list a bucket contents run --list command:

java -jar target/bootique-aws-demo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
    -c config.yml \
    -l \
    -b mybucket

To send a string of text to a bucket run --send-text-to-s3 command:

java -jar target/bootique-aws-demo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
    -c config.yml \
    -s  \
    -b mybucket/myfolder \
    -t "hello aws" \
    -f 'myfile.txt'