
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



A simple example that explains how to migrate data via Liquibase integrated for Bootique.

For additional help/questions about this example send a message to Bootique forum.

You can find different versions of framework in use at


* Java 1.8 or newer.
* Apache Maven.

Build the Demo

Here is how to build it:

git clone git@github.com:bootique-examples/bootique-liquibase-demo.git        
cd bootique-liquibase-demo
mvn package

Run the Demo

Now you can check the options available in your app:

java -jar target/bootique-liquibase-demo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
           Mark all changes as executed in the database.

        Clears all checksums in the current changelog, so they will be
        recalculated next update.

        Specifies YAML config location, which can be a file path or a URL.

    -h, --help
        Prints this message.

    -H, --help-config
        Prints information about application modules and their configuration

    -u, --update
        Updates DB with available migrations

    -v, --validate
        Checks the changelog for errors.

Provide required configuration via config1.yml:

    url: jdbc:derby:target/derby/migrations1;create=true
    maxActive: 2

  datasource: test
  # changelog provided in java

Run migration:

java -jar target/bootique-liquibase-demo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --config=classpath:io.bootique.liquibase.demo/config1.yml --lb-update

Check data via --select-test command:

java -jar target/bootique-liquibase-demo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --config=classpath:io.bootique.liquibase.demo/config1.yml --select-test

Newly created table "TEST" data is successfully printed:

    ID : 1
    NAME : Test Name
    ORDER : 1

Noticeable point is "last wins" strategy, returning the last change log collection passed to Liquibase. Consider configuration config2.yml:

    url: jdbc:derby:target/derby/migrations1;create=true
    maxActive: 2

  datasource: test
  changeLogs: # change log is declared directly in the file
    - classpath:io.bootique.liquibase.demo/changelog_1_2.yml

Firstly, rebuild simply having called:

mvn clean package

Then run migration with config2.yml:

java -jar target/bootique-liquibase-demo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --config=classpath:io.bootique.liquibase.demo/config2.yml --lb-update

Check data via --select-test command:

java -jar target/bootique-liquibase-demo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --config=classpath:io.bootique.liquibase.demo/config2.yml --select-test        

Expected result is error since "TEST" table created in changelog_2.xml overridden by YAML config:

    Caused by: ERROR 42X05: Table/View 'TEST' does not exist.
    	at org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException.newException(Unknown Source)