
middleware for path-based authentication of labstack echo. Best when using apikey for path.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


middleware for path-based authentication of labstack echo. Best when using apikey for path.

example) https://example.com/api/this_is_api_key

This this_is_api_key part can be dynamically submitted to authentication. For example, whether apikey is active, RateLimit is not exceeded, etc.

Much of this code is based on key_auth.go in labstack/echo and its test code.


MIT License Test


package main

import (
	pa "github.com/bootjp/echo_middleware_path_auth"

func main() {

	e := echo.New()
	// group route
	e.Group("/api/:apikey", pa.PathAuth("apikey", func(auth string, c echo.Context) (bool, error) {
		// add your logic
		return true, nil

	// single route
	yourHttpHandler := func(c echo.Context) error { return c.String(200, "OK") }
	yourPathAuthLogic := func(auth string, c echo.Context) (bool, error) {
		return true, nil

	e.GET("/api/:apikey", yourHttpHandler, pa.PathAuth("apikey", yourPathAuthLogic))

	// with config
	config := pa.PathAuthConfig{}
	config.Skipper = middleware.DefaultSkipper
	config.Param = "apikey"
	config.Validator = yourPathAuthLogic
	e.GET("/api/:apikey", yourHttpHandler, pa.PathAuthWithConfig(config))