LSP's Go To Definition plugin for neovim.
This plugin is highly experimental. The breaking changes will be applied without notice.
- Run
in one mapping. - Open the path as much as possible
---@class gtd.kit.App.Config.Schema
---@field public sources { name: string, option?: table }[] # Specify the source that will be used to search for the definition
---@field public get_buffer_path fun(): string # Specify the function to get the current buffer path. It's useful for searching path from terminal buffer etc.
---@field public on_event fun(event: gtd.Event)
---@field public on_context fun(context: gtd.Context) # Modify context on user-land.
---@field public on_cancel fun(params: gtd.Params)
---@field public on_nothing fun(params: gtd.Params)
---@field public on_location fun(params: gtd.Params, location: gtd.kit.LSP.LocationLink)
---@field public on_locations fun(params: gtd.Params, locations: gtd.kit.LSP.LocationLink[])
-- The `findup` and `lsp` source are enabled by default (at the moment).
require('gtd').setup {
... gtd.kit.App.Config.Schema ...
vim.keymap.set('n', 'gf<CR>', function()
require('gtd').exec({ command = 'edit' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'gfs', function()
require('gtd').exec({ command = 'split' })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'gfv', function()
require('gtd').exec({ command = 'vsplit' })
The following sources are built-in.
(Default: enabled)
Find definitions via LSP textDocument/definition
(Default: enabled)
Find definitions via vim.fn.findfile
with ;
(Default: disabled)
Traverse all filepaths under project.
option-name | type | description |
root_markers | string[] | Specify root markers like { '.git', 'tsconfig.json' } . |
ignore_patterns | string[] | Specify ignore patterns like { '/node_modules', '/.git' } |