Fly through your tabs in neovim
You can show the picker from neovim's cmd-line by executing
:Telescope telescope-tabs list_tabs
Or straight from the plugin's path with lua
:lua require('telescope-tabs').list_tabs()
You can press C-d
(insert mode) or D
(normal mode) on any Item in the picker to close the tab (respectively all windows in it). To change the keybinding, look at configure.
But telescope-tabs
does not only provide a picker! You can also call
:lua require('telescope-tabs').go_to_previous()
to switch to the last opened tab immediately. This does not only work when switching tabs with this extension, but also when you use Neovims builtin tab movement methods.
I would recommend to bind this to a shortcut if you wanna use this regularly :^)
Install with your favorite Neovim package manager.
Example with packer.nvim:
use {
requires = { 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' },
config = function()
-- Your custom config :^)
Options can be set by calling the setup function. The following things can be changed:
This changes how a tab is represented in the picker. By default the following function is used:
entry_formatter = function(tab_id, buffer_ids, file_names, file_paths)
local entry_string = table.concat(file_names, ', ')
return string.format('%d: %s', tab_id, entry_string)
To alter this behaviour, just assign your own function.
This changes how tabs are sorted in the picker. The ordinal is also used to determine which entries match a given search query. The following function is used by default:
entry_ordinal = function(tab_id, buffer_ids, file_names, file_paths)
return table.concat(file_names, ' ')
This controls whether a preview is shown or not. The default is true
show_preview = true,
These shortcuts allow you to close a selected tabs right from the picker. The defaults are...
close_tab_shortcut_i = '<C-d>', -- if you're in insert mode
close_tab_shortcut_n = 'D', -- if you're in normal mode
Note, that their value do not get parsed or checked, so they should follow the regular format for keybindings.
See telescope-tabs.txt.