
clojure configuration helper

Primary LanguageVim Script

Vim Clojure Glue (unstable)

I am new to clojure, make glue to help myself.

Currently mainly tested with vim-iced installed.




  • Change 'iskeyword' for clojure files.

    Do setup in filetype event:

    function! s:glue_filetype()
      for kw in ['.', '/', ':']
        execute printf('setlocal iskeyword-=%s', kw)
    call clojure#glue#register('filetype', function('s:glue_filetype'))
  • Custom project detector, assume we have ~/parent/x-clj, ~/parent/x-cljs with single ~/parent/.shadow-cljs/nrepl.port to serve a clj + cljs REPLs.

    function! s:glue_custom_detector() abort
      let dir = fnamemodify(expand('%'), ':~')
      let found = v:null
      if dir =~ '.\+/parent'
        let root    = finddir('parent', ';') ->fnamemodify(':~')
        let sub_dir = dir ->strpart(len(root)) ->split('/') ->{x -> len(x) ? x[0] : ''}()
        " root port: mixed clj + cljs repl
        let port_file = expand(root) . '/.shadow-cljs/nrepl.port'
        if filereadable(port_file)
          let port = readfile(port_file)[0]
          let b:clojure_mixed_nrepl_port_file = port_file " your might want to record this, to be used for connection later
          let found = #{
                \   dir: expand(root) . '/' . sub_dir,
                \   type: sub_dir == 'x-cljs' ? 'shadow_cljs' : 'clojure_cli',
                \   founds: []
                \ }
        return found
    let g:clojure_glue_detector = matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\d\+_') . 'glue_custom_detector'


  • ClojureDetect(), detect project root and set as variable b:clojure_project_dir

    Currently support:

    • clojure cli project, by finding deps.edn file
    • shadow-cljs, by finding shadow-cljs.edn file
    • when both found, pick the type matches current file extension (clj or cljs), if neither (i.e., cljc), currently it goes to an uncertain state, b:clojure_project_dir is not set.
    • If above behavior still not suitable, set g:clojure_glue_detector to do customized detection (detailed later).

    This also set b:clojure_project_type to 'clojure_cli', 'shadow_cljs', or '' if detected no project, 'defer' if both found.

    Currently this is done without opt-out option, see after/ftplugin/clojure/clojure_glue.vim.

    Once tried detection, found info is saved to clojure_glue_project_detected as an List of Dictionary with type and dir keys.

    g:clojure_glue_detector: can be set to a function returns Dictionary with dir type and founds keys, each will be taken to b:clojure_project_dir, b:clojure_project_type and b:clojure_glue_project_detected, or returns null to fallback to default detector.

  • Some wrapper functions wait-to-be-defined, an layer to make script work with different plugins (e.g., vim-iced or conjure).

    For example clojure#glue#def('connected?') can define an connected? function, delegate to vim-iced's iced#nrepl#is_connected(),
    then our script can call it with clojure#glue#call('connected?'),
    or call it only when defined with clojure#glue#try('connected?').


    • connected?: tell if repl has been connected.

      vim-iced example:

      call clojure#glue#def('connected?', 'iced#repl#is_connected')
  • Some event dispatching, can do register by call clojure#glue#register()


    • filetype: after filetype "clojure" applied (this use Vim's *after-directory* so can overwrite built-in filetype setting).

    • project: after project dir detected.

    • no_project: after above detection, but no project found. For example when read source code in .m2/repository zipfile.

    • first_connected: after first time repl connected. (have to implement "connected" on your own currently)

      vim-iced example:

      function! s:glue_project()
        " set some key mappings
      call iced#hook#add('connected', {
            \   'type': 'command',
            \   'exec': 'call clojure#glue#dispatch("first_connected")'})
      call clojure#glue#register('first_connected', function('s:glue_project'))
  • gf helper function: clojure#glue#gf#includeexpr()

    Basic usage, only support static (no server involved) file finding in project src directory.

    Example config:

    function! s:glue_project_detected()
      if !clojure#glue#try('connected?')
        execute 'setlocal path+=' . b:clojure_project_dir . '/src'
        setlocal suffixesadd+=.clj,.cljs
        setlocal includeexpr=clojure#glue#gf#includeexpr()
        " do something requires repl connected
    call clojure#glue#register('project', function('s:glue_project_detected'))

    There is a helper function clojure#glue#iced#gf() to rebind gf to vim-iced's IcedDefJump, and fallback to normal gf if no tag to jump, example:

    " add below to 'project' event
    nmap <buffer> <silent> gf :call clojure#glue#iced#gf()<CR>
  • Prompt for choosing one of detected project_types, clojure#glue#select_project_type()

    When ClojureDetect() finds multiple candidates, b:clojure_project_type is set to 'defer'.

    You can call clojure#glue#select_project_type() to show an confirm dialog, select a wanted type and that will be set to b:clojure_project_dir and _type.