
Minor quickrun psql settings

Primary LanguageVim scriptMIT LicenseMIT

Vim QuickRun psql Configuration Pack

Some minor setting for using Vim as psql client, with vim-quickrun plugin.

Sorry for such an ugly name, qrpsqlpq for QuickRun PSQL PacK.

This plugin tries to be unobtrusive, only adds sql/qrpsqlpq type for quickrun, only takes effect when running quickrun with that type.

For example: call qrpsqlpq#run() on a .sql file.


  • Output psql execution result in split/vsplit buffer.
  • Format psql "expanded" output result:
    • Blank lines between records.
    • Fold each record.
    • Minor highlight.
  • Format EXPLAIN output result:
    • Convert time display cost=1.00..5.00 to COST: 4.00.
    • Mark bottleneck entry with MAX text.
    • Minor highlight.
  • Detect Rails development db name by Rails.vim.

Config Example

function! s:init_qrpsqlpq()
  nmap <buffer> <Leader>r [qrpsqlpq]
  nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [qrpsqlpq]j :call qrpsqlpq#run('split')<CR>
  nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [qrpsqlpq]l :call qrpsqlpq#run('vsplit')<CR>
  nnoremap <silent> <buffer> [qrpsqlpq]r :call qrpsqlpq#run()<CR>
autocmd FileType sql call s:init_qrpsqlpq()

Database connection

Set b:qrpsqlpq_db_name or g:qrpsqlpq_db_name for psql -d dbname option.

Call qrpsqlpq#conn_info() to see current connection info.
