
Vim utilities for re-frame (ClojureScript) framework

Primary LanguageVim script

Vim Re-Frame Utilities

Helpers for re-frame.

Current Feature

:ReFrame command to

  1. sub - Get subscription value

    :ReFrame sub :i18n/locale
  2. event - Dispatch event

    :ReFrame event :submit-form
  3. fx - Call effect function

    :ReFrame fx :reload-page!
  4. db - Read/write app-db value

    :ReFrame db :foo :items 0 :color
    :ReFrame db :foo :items 0 :color = "red"


Prefered backend

  • g:re_frame#backend

There is a detection to pick nREPL backend (e.g., vim-iced or vim-fireplace), you can set a fixed value to bypass the detection.

let g:re_frame#backend = 'iced'

The value can be one of iced, fireplace.

Candidates filter

The :ReFrame command's auto completion might have candidates too long, you can set filter and formatter to shorten it.

let g:re_frame#handler_candidates_transform = 're_frame#handlers#candidates_transform'
let g:re_frame#handler_candidates_restore   = 're_frame#handlers#candidates_restore'
  • g:re_frame#handler_candidates_transform

    This can be set to a Function or String (function name).

    The function takes (items, kind) arguments.

    items are completion candidates, kind is one of ['sub', 'event', 'fx'].

    For example event sub command will get a list from (re-frame.registrar/get-handler :event).

    You can do filter / map on the List (Vim mutates List in place, so return value is not used here).

  • g:re_frame#handler_candidates_restore

    If transform is set, this restore is also needed to ensure the command can find back original id before transform.

    This can be set to a Function or String (function name), too.
    Takes (id, kind) arguments.

The two built-in autoload functions:

  • re_frame#handlers#candidates_transform
  • re_frame#handlers#candidates_restore

reduce candidates by finding current namespace, for example if you structure your code in small scopes each has its own re-frame db/subs/event along, they leave only handlers belong to nearest scoped ns.

For example, it shortens



.some-field             (when nearest ns is `:my.company.b2b.some-page`)
~some-page.some-field   (when nearest ns is `:my.company.b2b`)


  • nREPL backend

    Have to communicate with CLJS REPL, currently supports:

    Welcome contribution for other backends.

  • Vim version

    It is suggested to use newer versions.

    Command line completion uses matchfuzzy() (introduced Vim 8.2.1665, Neovim PR#12995 await).

    Without built-in implementation we might use downgrade fallback.