
Tabline customization

Primary LanguageVim Script


Tab pages line ('tabline', not GUI tab labels) customization.

  • Change tab label text with tab number, buffer name, .etc.
  • Tab min-width, max-width.
  • Extra color groups.
  • Expose tabline info as a variable (tabline#tabs()).


basic demo


Option variables and their default values:

g:tab_min_width          = 0
g:tab_max_width          = 40           " label longer then this will be chopped
g:tab_min_shrinked_width = 15           " when space is not enough, how much a tab can be shrinked
g:scroll_off             = 5            " how many tabs should appear before/after current tab
g:divide_equally         = 0            " boolean, try divide each tab equal-width
g:ellipsis_text          = ''          " when chopped tab, use this as replacement text
g:nofile_text            = '[Scratch]'  " label for 'nofile' buffer
g:prompt_text            = ''           " label for 'prompt' buffer, leave blank will auto grab from `:ls!`
g:qf_text                = ''
g:new_file_text          = '[New]'      " when no filename, no matched buftype, will fallback to this
g:modified_text          = '+'          " flag to indicate the file is modified
g:ignore_win_types       = ['popup']    " window types not count as number of split and modified flag

Highlight Groups

Group names and example highlight setting:

hi TabLine           cterm=underline ctermfg=15    ctermbg=242   gui=underline        guibg=#6c6c6c guifg=White
hi TabLineSel        cterm=bold      gui=NONE      guifg=White
hi TabLineNr         cterm=underline ctermbg=238   gui=underline guibg=#444444
hi TabLineNrSel      cterm=bold      ctermfg=45    guifg=#00d7ff
hi TabLineFill       cterm=reverse   gui=reverse
hi TabLineMore       cterm=underline ctermfg=White ctermbg=236   gui=underline        guifg=White   guibg=#303030
hi TabLineSplitNr    cterm=underline ctermfg=148   ctermbg=240   gui=underline,italic guifg=#afd700 guibg=#6c6c6c
hi TabLineSplitNrSel cterm=NONE      ctermfg=148   ctermbg=236   gui=NONE,italic      guifg=#afd700 guibg=#303030

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