
Put space on word boundary

Primary LanguageVim ScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Word Word

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Reading words without dividing is uncomfortable.


Add word-boundary spaces to rescue.

word 文字 word


Space is widely used as a word divider, while in Chinese/Japanese writing, there are no separation inter words.

When mixing two systems, for example word文字word, many people believe some spacing should appear between word and 文字 for readability, lead it seems like word 文字 word.

We haven't developed a good solution to add space yet, but have to add whitespace by hand. This plugin just comes to make it easier.


  • A wordword#break() function to convert string with spaces added.
  • User operator (require vim-operator-user plugin by @kana).
  • Add spaces between words and punctuations, e.g.: foo,bar to foo, bar.
  • Automatically add spaces when typing.

Most features were disabled by default, please read doc to configure yourself.

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Release to public domain.