
An example Vagrant virtual machine setup with Docker and Terraform installed.

Primary LanguageShell

Example Vagrant VM

An example Vagrant virtual machine setup with Docker and Terraform installed.

This example accompanies the book Bootstrapping Microservices. It's a practical and project based guide that takes you from a single microservice on your dev PC to a complete microservices application deployed to a production Kubenetes cluster.

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To try out this example you need VirtualBox and Vagrant installed.

Booting the example VM

Clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/bootstrapping-microservices/example-vagrant-vm

Change directory into the local repo:

cd example-vagrant-vm

Boot the VM using Vagrant:

vagrant up

Now connect a command line shell to the VM:

vagrant ssh

You can now invoke commands at the shell to execute them in the VM.