
Example of strongly typed go/graphql/typescript web application

Primary LanguageGo


Example of strongly typed go/graphql/typescript web application


This is an example web application.

On the server it uses:

The client is built with:

Install and Build

git clone git@github.com:boourns/go-gql-typescript-example.git
cd go-gql-typescript-example/js
yarn build
cd ../server
go get
go run server.go

Generating code from GraphQL Schema

Edit ./server/graph/graphql.schemas run ./tools/generate.sh to regenerate the go and typescript bindings

Generating Model layer

A basic SQLite interface is generated using Scaffold. If you modify the structs, you need to regenerate the model layer, and write a migration to update the existing schema. To regenerate the SQL layer

cd server/graph/model
go get github.com/boourns/scaffold@549f411c4bac527df427315ba98913c6613c3bdf
go run github.com/boourns/scaffold model -in=user.go
go run github.com/boourns/scaffold model -in=todo.go