
Updated Fork From Snoogens101

Primary LanguageC++

im no longer updating


This is a fork of https://github.com/Snoogens101 ApexDMA im probably only gonna update offsets not add anything :D

Copiest of pastas using https://github.com/Metick/DMALibrary and https://github.com/Nexilist/xap-client

Glow (MemWrite)

Aimbot (Kmbox Net / Kmbox B+ Pro)


AimSticky=true // Sets if the Aim should "stick" to the target until you re-aim
AimFOV=5 // Sets the Aimbot FOV
AimSmooth=4 // Sets the Aimbot Smooth
AimSmoothMaxIncrease=0 // Sets how many percent the Smoothing is allowed to increase as you get closer to the Target
AimRecoilCompensation=1.4 // Decides how much recoil you should have. 1.0 is no recoil.
ResolutionX=1920 // Your Ingame Resolution
ResolutionY=1080 // Your Ingame Resolution
FOV=110 // Your Ingame Field of View
KmboxType=BPro // Your Kmbox type - either Net or BPro
KmboxIP= // Your Kmbox Net IP - shown on its display
KmboxPort= // Your Kmbox Net Port - shown on its display
KmboxUUID= // Your Kmbox Net UUID - shown on its display
KmboxComPort=3 // Your Kmbox B+ Pro COM Port