- 0000-1
- 353xiong
- Angus1996@Alibaba
- bailiangze
- boozyguoChina Mobile Research Institute (CMRI)
- byfaith
- cogmetaCogmeta Intelligent Systems
- deeplearningzhyWuHan University
- ericyue
- gawinghe
- hp11223344
- huangcaocao
- hzzh11856
- iamdodo
- IDRISSI1998Université de Sherbrooke
- JarbasAl@OpenVoiceOS
- komalj17
- Le-Xiaohuai-speechNanjing University; RTC Lab ByteDance
- LP940708
- lucmski
- Maxxiey
- mesut92
- my1347
- one00piece
- Owen1234560
- pinweihelai
- ruizewang
- shiqiwangshiqiwangGuilin University of Electronic Technology
- wangpy1204
- wbjnpu
- xiangkanghuang
- xiaojian10
- xuin-netXUIN Co.,Ltd.
- zengchang233National Institute of Informatics
- zhouyikang