Redux React Skeleton

This skeleton is designed to get up and running with a bunch of awesome new front-end technologies, all on top of a configurable, feature-rich webpack build system that's already setup to provide hot reloading, CSS modules with Sass support, unit testing, code coverage reports, bundle splitting, and a whole lot more.


  • $ node -v is a ^4.2.0

  • $ npm -v is a ^3.0.0


$ git clone
$ cd redux-react-skeleton
$ npm install 


  • $ develop:build - Provide compiled, and minified bundles to 'public' directory.

  • $ npm run develop:devserver - Runs the project in development mode with hot-reloading of 'public' folder. Open your browser at http://localhost:3030.

  • npm run test - Runs tests once with Mocha(server side interpretation). Entry point: 'test/setup.js'.

  • npm run test:watch - Continuously watch changes and run tests immediately after changes.

  • npm run lint - Runs eslint checker once. Entry point: '.eslintrc'.

  • npm run lint:watch - Continuously watch changes and run Run eslint checker immediately after some changes.

  • npm run clear - Remove 'public' and 'node_modules' folders.


  • normalizr - Normalizes deeply nested JSON API responses according to a schema for Flux and Redux apps. Kudos to Jing Chen for suggesting this approach.
  • reselect - Simple “selector” library for Redux. Selectors can compute derived data, allowing Redux to store the minimal possible state. Selectors are efficient. A selector is not recomputed unless one of its arguments change. Selectors are composable. They can be used as input to other selectors.
  • react-waypoint - A React component to execute a function whenever you scroll to an element. Works in all containers that can scroll, including the window. Can be used to build features like lazy loading content, infinite scroll, scrollspies, or docking elements to the viewport on scroll. More info here, and here

Code standart

Common (es2015, React, Sass)


A single type must be a string. Type string should consist information about action (GET, SET, ...) and entity to which this action influences. GET_USERS: 'GET_USERS'


An action MUST

  • be a plain JavaScript object.
  • have a type property.

An action MAY

  • have a error property.
  • have a payload property.
  • have a meta property.

An action MUST NOT include properties other than type, payload, and error, and meta.


The type of an action identifies to the consumer the nature of the action that has occurred. Two actions with the same type MUST be strictly equivalent (using ===). By convention, type is usually string constant or a Symbol.


The optional payload property MAY be any type of value. It represents the payload of the action. Any information about the action that is not the type or status of the action should be part of the payload field.


The optional error property MAY be any type of value. Object if error exist or null if error not exist.


The optional meta property MAY be any type of value. It is intended for any extra information that is not part of the payload.


Before push commit make sure that all modules are added in package.json

Git branching stategy

Git branching stategy