Swappi Configurations

address public router;		// Balancer router
address public minedToken;	// ETC token
address public rewardToken;	// PPI token
address public lpToken;		// ETC-CFX pair token

Dog Pool Operator Functions

Deposit ETC for users

function deposit(uint256 amount, address account) public override onlyRole(DEPOSIT_ROLE)
  • amount: amount of ETC to deposit. Note, approve required before deposit.
  • account: account to deposit for.

User Functions

Query total LP in pool

uint256 public totalShares

Query user LP in pool

function accountInfos(address account) public view returns (uint256 shares, uint256 accRewardPerShare)

Query user balance

function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (
	uint256 totalBalance,
	uint256 unlockedBalance,
	LockedBalance[] memory lockedBalances

struct LockedBalance {
	uint256 amount;
	uint256 unlockTime;

Query or claim user rewards

Note, please set the from address in eth_call to query account rewards.

function claimReward(address recipient) public returns (uint256)

Withdraw LP

function withdraw(
	uint256 liquidity,
	uint256 amountTokenMin,
	uint256 amountETHMin,
	address payable to,
	uint256 deadline
) external;

Force withdraw LP

Note, user will NOT receive CFX and PPI rewards if force withdraw locked LP.

function forceWithdraw(
	uint256 liquidity,
	uint256 amountTokenMin,
	uint256 amountETHMin,
	address to,
	uint256 deadline
) external;

Owner Functions

Withdraw native tokens (CFX):

function withdrawETH(uint256 amount, address payable recipient) public onlyOwner

Query withdrawable rewards:

uint256 public forceWithdrawRewards

Withdraw rewards (PPI):

function withdrawRewards(uint256 amount, address recipient) public onlyOwner