
UI for Backpack v6 that uses Tabler and Bootstrap v5.

Primary LanguageBladeMIT LicenseMIT

Theme Tabler

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This package provides a theme for the Backpack for Laravel administration panel, that uses Tabler and implicitly Bootstrap v5. All esthetic customizations on top of Tabler are done in separate CSS files, which can be easily edited if you don't like them.

The file structure inside this package has changed a bit from Backpack v3-v5. We've split split it into smaller, more granual views. So that if you need to customize something by publishing a view, your change is small. If you want the old file structure, you can use the CoreUI v4 or CoreUI v2 themes.




Step 1. Install via Composer

composer require backpack/theme-tabler

Step 2. Go to config/backpack/base.php and change your view namespace:

-    'view_namespace' => 'backpack::',
+    'view_namespace' => 'backpack.theme-tabler::',

Step 3. (Optional) Publish the theme config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="theme-tabler-config"


If you need to change a blade file in any way, you can easily copy-paste the file to your app, and modify that file any way you want. If you do that to the correct directory, your file will be used instead of the one in the package. But please keep in mind that you will NOT be getting any updates for that file.

The more files you copy-paste and customize, the more difficult it will be to upgrade to newer versions. So please avoid doing this too much.

# create the custom directory if it's not already there
mkdir -p resources/views/vendor/backpack/theme-tabler

# copy the blade file inside the folder we created above
cp -i vendor/backpack/theme-tabler/resources/views/dashboard.blade.php resources/views/vendor/backpack/theme-tabler/dashboard.blade.php

Change log

Changes are documented here on Github. Please see the Releases tab.


Please see contributing.md for a todolist and howtos.


If you discover any security related issues, please email hello@backpackforlaravel.com instead of using the issue tracker.



This project was released under MIT, so you can install it on top of any Backpack & Laravel project. Please see the license file for more information.