About the project

to build the backend REST APIs needed to support a web application to that allows a user to view accounts and subsequently view transactions on any of the accounts they hold.

Required functionality

please check open api documentation open api documentation

Getting Started


  1. java
    1. install sdkman https://sdkman.io/install
    2. install java sdk install java


  1. Clone the repo run git clone https://github.com/boraoren/project-wholesale.git
  2. Download dependencies run ./gradlew clean build


Run Application

  1. run ./gradlew bootRun
  2. to get account list open link http://localhost:8080/api/v1/accounts
  3. to get transaction list of account number 585309209 http://localhost:8080/api/v1/accounts/585309209/transactions

for detail you can check api documentation

Run Test

./gradlew test

Generate and View API documentation

  1. run ./gradlew clean asciidoctor
  2. check build/asciidoc/html5 folder for index.html and open it with web browser

Use Postman

import anz-wholesale.postman_collection.json file to postman



you can check issues for github here

github issues