In this Training you will learn how to manually install IBM CloudPak for Watson AIOps and how to configure some basic functionalities.
You will learn about the following topics:
- Installing CP4WAIOPS from scratch
- Integrate CP4WAIOPS with OpenLDAP for user management
- Integrate CP4WAIOPS with ELK for Log Anomalies
- Define and train AI Models for
- Log Anomaly Detectiom
- Metric Anomaly Detection
- Event Grouping
- Similar Incidents
- Change Risk
- Create Policies for Story creation and Runbook assignment
- Integrate CP4WAIOPS with Ansible Tower and create Runbooks in CP4WAIOPS
- Create a RobotShop Application Topology
- Integrate CP4WAIOPS with Instana (optional)
- Integrate CP4WAIOPS with Slack (optional)
- Integrate CP4WAIOPS with Service Now (optional)