
Hitting chime rods through a RaspberryPi's GPIO-s

Primary LanguagePython

GPIOChimes - Audible notifications by a Grandfather's clock

Hitting chime rods through a RaspberryPi's GPIO-s

See: https://hackaday.io/project/10771-audible-notifications-by-a-grandfathers-clock

"I fell in love with the sound of a grandfather's clock. But it was too expensive for me. And that clock has no alarm and snooze option. And it knows nothing about my emails or text messages.

So I bought the mechanism of a used grandfather's clock on. It has a simple structure: The chime rods tinkle, when the hammers hit, when the solenoids pull in, when the Raspberry Pi sets voltage on the GPIOs, when the IFTTT webpage calls the Raspberry Pi's web server, when I receive an important email."