
Helper scripts to install SNO manually with OpenShift installer

Primary LanguageShell


Helper scripts to install SNO manually

This script was initially created by Mario Vazquez Cebrian, kudos to Mario!

How to use it

Copy your pull secret (in json format) into this folder (you can get yours from this url https://console.redhat.com/openshift/install/pull-secret). The name of the pull secret is expected to be pull_secret.json.

Update assets/install-config.yaml to fit your environment needs, you need to modify configs between <>.

Then run commands below:

This by default will install the latest stable 4.9 release:

$ ./00_extract_tools_from_release.sh
You are going to install OpenShift 4.9.5

or to install a particular release under link, for example ‘stable-4.8’, ‘4.8.12’, ‘4.9.4’, ‘latest’ etc. like 4.9.4 in below example:

$ ./00_extract_tools_from_release.sh 4.9.4
You are going to install OpenShift 4.9.4
$ ./01_get_rhcos_iso.sh
$ ls -l temp/

Run 02_generate_workloadpartitioning_config.sh to set reserved CPUSET:

$ ./02_generate_workloadpartitioning_config.sh
Run the script like ./02_generate_workloadpartitioning_config.sh <CPUSET>, for example ./02_generate_workloadpartitioning_config.sh 0-3,16-19
$ ./02_generate_workloadpartitioning_config.sh 0-3,16-19
$ ls -1 assets/

Run 03_generate_inplacedns_config.sh script to setup the in-place DNS resolution:

Run the script like ./03_generate_inplacedns_config.sh <your SNO node IP>, for example: ./03_generate_inplacedns_config.sh

$ ./03_generate_inplacedns_config.sh
$ ls -1 assets/
$ ls -1 build/

Boot the bare-metal node using the iso (sno-rhcos-live.iso) generated in the previous steps using virtual-media or any other mechanism you have at your disposal.

Monitor the deployment progress:

$ ./05_monitor_deployment.sh

INFO Waiting up to 40m0s for the cluster at https://api.sno49-manual.cloud.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:6443 to initialize...

INFO Waiting up to 10m0s for the openshift-console route to be created... 
INFO Install complete!                            
INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/home/kni/sno/4.9-manual/ocp/auth/kubeconfig' 
INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here: https://console-openshift-console.apps.sno49-manual.cloud.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com 
INFO Login to the console with user: "kubeadmin", and password: "etF5s-rPxxZ-9fZ8w-6ZcX4" 
INFO Time elapsed: 18m41s  

You should have a cluster deployment after around 40 mins:

$ ./bin/oc get clusterversion,co
NAME                                         VERSION   AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   SINCE   STATUS
clusterversion.config.openshift.io/version   4.9.5     True        False         8h      Cluster version is 4.9.5

NAME                                                                           VERSION   AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   DEGRADED   SINCE   MESSAGE
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/authentication                             4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/baremetal                                  4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/cloud-controller-manager                   4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/cloud-credential                           4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/cluster-autoscaler                         4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/config-operator                            4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/console                                    4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/csi-snapshot-controller                    4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/dns                                        4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/etcd                                       4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/image-registry                             4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/ingress                                    4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/insights                                   4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/kube-apiserver                             4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/kube-controller-manager                    4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/kube-scheduler                             4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/kube-storage-version-migrator              4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/machine-api                                4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/machine-approver                           4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/machine-config                             4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/marketplace                                4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/monitoring                                 4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/network                                    4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/node-tuning                                4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/openshift-apiserver                        4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/openshift-controller-manager               4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/openshift-samples                          4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/operator-lifecycle-manager                 4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/operator-lifecycle-manager-catalog         4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver   4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/service-ca                                 4.9.5     True        False         False      8h      
clusteroperator.config.openshift.io/storage                                    4.9.5     True        False         False      8h   

Dual statck cluster setup

Only thing different is in file assets/install-config.yaml, both IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR shall be configured, following is an example:

  networkType: OVNKubernetes
  - cidr:
  - cidr: 2620:52:0:1388::/64
  - cidr:
    hostPrefix: 23
  - cidr: fd01::/48
    hostPrefix: 64  
  - fd02::/112

Pure IPv6 cluster setup

The SNO node shall have a pure IPv6 configured, similarly the IPv6 CIDR shall be configured in file assets/install-config.yaml, following is an example:

  networkType: OVNKubernetes
  - cidr: 2620:52:0:1388::/64
  - cidr: fd01::/48
    hostPrefix: 64  
  - fd02::/112