
Swap around tiles in a TIC-80 .lua file (requires TIC-80 pro)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Tools for modifying sprite sheet and tile map in a TIC-80 .lua file (requires TIC-80 pro)

The tools modify the file in-place, so take a backup before trying them out.


usage: python replaceTile.py [file] [oldtile] [newtile] ([tile_length = 1])

example: python replaceTile.py game.lua 14 185 3

replaces instances of [oldtile] with [newtile] in MAP and swaps them around in TILES.

if tile_length is given, swaps a range {oldtile, oldtile + tile_length} with {newtile, newtile + tile_length}


usage: python swapCols.py [infile] [col1] [col2] [tile]

example: python swapCols.py game.lua 1 4 152

swaps colours [col1] and [col2] in [tile].


usage: python removeEmptiesFromMap.py [file]

goes through the tilemap in [file] and replaces empty (all-black) tiles with tile 0.