
HTML-embeddable x86_64 emulator

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Embeddable visual pseudo x86-64 emulator written in JavaScript. Made for easily embedding a CPU emulator into a web page so that it can be easily used to make tutorials or demos. Uses interrupts to tie into JavaScript code.

It is important to note that this emulator only implements a very limited subset of instructions.

Emulator Preview

Binary formats and compilation

The emulator has simple support for Mach-O binaries (but not FAT archives) and raw binary files.

Raw binaries

Compile raw binaries with nasm -f bin <filename>.

Mach-O files

The Mach-O loader has very simple DYLD-style linking (it actually does DYLD-style linking no matter what you do to the binary).

Mach-O compilation examples for assembly is in compile-machos.sh. You can compile from C (or other languages that compile to assembly), but there is no proper support for the C standard library yet, and don't be surprised if your compiler generates instructions this emulator can't yet run.


Minimum imports

Minimum script imports are capstone-x86.min.js and Emulator.js (must be set to type 'module'). Probably should include the stylesheet InteractiveEmulator.css under the folder Styles as well.

<script src="Emulator/Emulator.js" type="module"></script>
<script src="Emulator/capstone-x86.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="Emulator/Styles/InteractiveEmulator.css" />


Mach-O binaries can load libraries. All external libraries must have a JavaScript helper script to inject some information and helper functions into the Mach-O loader.


After importing the scripts and styles, add the emulator to the HTML using the custom tag cpu-emulator.

Custom attributes:
cpu-binary: Path to the binary you want to load. (Required)
loader: Type of loader you want to use, e.g. "MachO" or "Raw". "Raw" is default. (Optional)
code-size: Maximum address you want to show instructions for in the assembly view. By default it shows as much as possible (the entire binary size for raw binaries, the .text section for Mach-O binaries) (Optional)
memory-size: Size of the memory you want the emulator to have. (Optional)
stack-watch: Can be either dynamic or a fixed address of the point in stack you want to watch. dynamic follows RSP. (Optional)
watched-registers: Registers you want to "watch" (add to the UI), split by ,. Should probably be lowercase. (Optional) run-speed: Milliseconds to wait before progressing to next instruction when in continous "run"-mode. Defaults to 500ms. (Optional)
show-console: true or false value, whether or not to show the console. Defaults to true (Optional)


Because of the Capstone library dependency it has been impossible for me to find any way to minify and bundle the code properly. I've had some luck with rollup before, but it doesn't work properly with loaders (for Mach-O or raw binary) because they're loaded lazily.

Third-party frameworks and code

Capstone.js by Alexandro Sanchez
node-int64 by Robert Kieffer
Pretty CSS buttons by Derek Morash
js-struct by andrewimm