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A highly customizable Ansible role to configure a Check_Mk client.

  • Installs check-mk-agent on clients; Does use locally provided packages or a systems repositories; See Role Variables.
  • Puts basic check_mk plugins in place
  • Adds ssh hostkey to the check_mk site user
  • Creates a user and group to run check-mk-agent with
  • Creates sudo configuration for this monitoring user
  • Puts ssh-public-key in place for the monitoring user
  • Adds a managed System to Check_Mk
  • Removes the System from Check_Mk; This is not implemented in main.yaml. The tasks responsible for this are stored in remove_host_from_cmk.yml and can be called seperatly with import_role in decommision playbooks.


The system this role is run on needs network access to the check_mk server (80/tcp).

Role Variables

  • Check_Mk Server host; required: yes

    The ansible_inventory name of the check_mk server.

  • Check_Mk Package name and version; required: yes

    These are used to check if the desired package is already installed. This is only used if you the package is not installed by a packagemanagers repository.

    cmkclient_pkgname: check-mk-agent
    cmkclient_pkgver: 1.4.0p27-1
  • Check_Mk Site user name; required: yes

    The username of the user running your Check_Mk site.

    cmkclient_site_user: example-site
  • Check_Mk package and plugins; (vars/apt.yml or vars/dnf.yml)

    These vars are defined in files dependend on the ansible_pkg_mgr var. Below defaults are only showing the defaults for Debian.

    • Packages; required: no

      Either one of these should be defined to install a package. If cmkclient_pkgmanager_pkg is defined the systems configured repositories will be used to install the package. If cmkclient_package is defined you have to provide the package in some way (eg. in your 'files' directory and provide the full path). If both are defined the distributions packagemanager has precedence.

      cmkclient_pkgmanager_pkg: files/checkmk/check-mk-agent
      cmkclient_package: check-mk-agent_1.4.0p27-1_all.deb
    • Plugins; required: no

         - plugin_src: files/checkmk/mk_apt
           plugin_dst: /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/plugins/86400/mk_apt
  • Command used for checking if the package is already installed; required: yes

    cmkclient_pkg_test: "dpkg -l | grep -P \'^ii\\s+{{ cmkclient_pkgname }}\\s+{{ cmkclient_pkgver }}\'"
  • User configuration if check-mk-agent is not executed as root

    • Create user or not; required: yes; (True/False)

      cmkclient_createuser: False
    • Group configuration

      cmkclient_group_name: checkmk
      cmkclient_group_gid: 601
    • User configuration

      Sudo configuration is only applied if cmkclient_createuser is True and cmkclient_user_sudo is not False.

      cmkclient_user_name: checkmk
      cmkclient_user_uid: 601
      cmkclient_user_comment: "check_mk monitoring user"
      cmkclient_user_group: checkmk
      cmkclient_user_shell: /bin/bash
      cmkclient_user_password: '!!'
      cmkclient_user_home: /home/checkmk
      cmkclient_user_pwexpire: '99999' # This must be a string!
      cmkclient_user_sudo: checkmk
      cmkclient_user_publickey: "{{ lookup('file', 'files/authorized_keys/checkmk') }}"
  • Host creation configuration

    • Create host or not; required: yes; (True/False)

      cmkclient_createhost: False
    • User for Check_Mk WebAPI

      cmkclient_api_user: automation
    • Secret for Check_Mk's WebAPI User

      cmkclient_api_password: "my-automation-secret"



Example Playbook

- name: Configure Check_MK Client
  hosts: MonitoredServers
    - { role: CheckMkClient }



Author Information

Created in 2018 by Thomas.