
CSS3 buttons following the style used on the famous AppStore.

Primary LanguageCSSThe UnlicenseUnlicense



You can check a demo of the CSS3 AppStore buttons here: http://www.adriavalles.net/lab/css3-appstore-buttons

How to use it

First, you obviously have to add the appstore_buttons.css file to your project and HTML page. Then, the button can be created by adding class="button" to any <a> element you want. That's it.

Examples of use

<a class="button" href="#">Buy app on iTunes</a>

<a class="button button-price" href="#">Buy app on iTunes <span>$0.99</span></a>

<a class="button button-disabled" href="#">Buy app on iTunes</a>

<a class="button button-big" href="#">Download iTunes now</a>

<a class="button" href="#"><img src="./example_images/down.png" alt="Icon"/> Download app</a>

<a class="button button-big" href="#"><img src="./example_images/down.png" alt="Icon"/> Download iTunes now</a>

Browser compatibility

CSS3 AppStore buttons work on advanced browsers. (this means: IE is not completely supported)

  • Google Chrome 10 or greater
  • Mozilla Firefox 4 or greater.
  • Safari 5 or greater.
  • Opera 11 or greater.
  • Internet Explorer 9 or greater. (Does not support gradients yet)


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## To do

  • Add support with buttons inside forms.

## Other information

First: This is a Work In Progress. If you find any bug or just want to improve anything, collaborate!

Inspired by La Trucoteca's AppStore buttons PSD.

AppStore Buttons is released into the public domain: unlicense.org. Feel free to copy, modify, publish or distribute this code.

CSS3 AppStore Buttons by Adrià Vallès