
Scripts and instructions to compile SIRIUS-enabled Quantum ESPRESSO

Primary LanguageShell

How to use QE+SIRIUS

NOTE: The code will try to use spack commands to locate and use ELPA. Please load the spack environment before running autobuild.sh.

After compiling with autobuild.sh, the executable is in $START_PATH/q-e/pw.x as expected; but mind the warnings below.

Suggested prepend script for aiida code setup:

export CRAY_CUDA_MPS=1 # allows sharing the GPU between MPI processes;
# set it to 0 for debugging or if you are sure that only one process per node will use the card.
export KMP_AFFINITY='granularity=fine,compact,1'
export SDDK_BLOCK_SIZE=512 # tuning parameter for the SIRIUS Data Distribution Kit


Do not necessarily use 1 MPI rank per core:

  • we are using OpenMP, and at least 2 OMP threads are needed;
  • the bulk of the work is (our should be) done by the GPUs: more concurrent ranks are supported, but the number needs to be tweaked;
  • when using AiiDA (example): params['pw_input'].pop('automatic_parallelization')

Usage notes:

Add flags -sirius -sirius_cfg [config_file]:

  • when using AiiDA (example): params['pw_settings'] = {'cmdline':['-sirius', '-sirius_cfg', '/users/mborelli/sirius_cfg/config.json']}

Known issue: wf_collect must be false

  • AiiDA: params['pw_parameters']['CONTROL']['wf_collect'] = False

To save space after compilation

You can save q-e/src/pw.x and delete everything else.

The following files can be safely removed, in theory:

rm -rf doc examples libs platforms src LICENSE README.md .git .gitignore .clang-format apps
cd ..
cd q-e
rm -r archive atomic clib COUPLE CPV dev-tools Doc EPW FFTXlib GUI GWW
rm -r install LAXlib lapack-3.6.1 LAPACK iotk include License LR_Modules Modules 
rm -r pseudo PHonon PlotPhon PP PWCOND QHA README TDDFPT TODO upftools XSpectra NEB
rm -r PW/{Doc,examples,Ford}
rm -r PW/src/{*.f90,*.o,*.mod,*.a}
rm -rf .git .gitignore .travis.yml
rm -r test-suite
cd ..