
Automatically download all eBooks from packtpub.com "my eBooks" library

MIT LicenseMIT


This userscript allows you to mass download all eBooks from your Packt Publishing user account library.

It inserts a control box at the page header of the My eBooks page where you can choose the filetypes to download and initiate downloading all eBooks.

Control box

All files will be downloaded sequentially to avoid having hundreds of parallel downloads.

Tampermonkey configuration

In order to use this script you must allow downloading of PDF-, Mobi- and ePub-Filetypes in Tampermonkey.
Open Tampermonkeys settings page and add the following lines to input field Whitelisted File Extensions: of Section Downloads BETA



In case of an error please have a look at chromes Console first.
Open Console:

  • Menu -> More Tools -> Developer Tools (and choose Console tab)
    or press:
  • [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [i]