
OpenSource Node-based app to organize your Instagram account

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Single-page webapp that pulls data from Instragram and help the user to organize his/her relationships.

Current version: 0.0.2


  • As a user I can visualize the recent pictures (Wall section):
    • When I click on a pic, I can see:
      • bigger picture
      • comments,
      • call-to-action to "like" it
  • As a user I can visualize the relationships (Followers section):
    • who follows me
    • who is following me
    • if someone follows me but I don't follow him/her
      • I can follow them back
    • if I follow someone but this person doesn't follow me
      • I can unfollow them

Techy Features

  • General development features:
    • installation with one command-line
    • client:
      • AngularJS
      • Sass (Bourbon)
      • Gulp.js
      • Bower
      • AngularUI
      • Unit test with Karma/Jasmine
    • server:
      • Node.js
      • MongoDB (Mongoose)
      • JWT
      • Satellizer
      • Request

Getting Started

To get you started you can simply clone the insta-organizer repository and install the dependencies.


You need git to clone the insta-organizer repository. You can get it from git-scm.com/.

You must have node.js and its package manager (npm) installed. You can get them from nodejs.org/.

MongoDB must be installed as well. You can get it from mongodb.org

An instagram account :) instagram.com

Clone ng-organizer

Clone the insta-organizer:

$ git clone https://github.com/borteo/insta-organizer.git
$ cd insta-organizer

Install Dependencies

There are two kinds of dependencies in this project: tools and libraries. The tools help to manage the application.

I have preconfigured npm to automatically run bower so we can simply run:

$ npm install

Behind the scenes this will also call bower install. You should find that you have two new folders in your project.

  • node_modules - contains the npm packages for the tools we need
  • bower_components - contains the angular framework files

Run the application


First you have to start mongodb:

$ mongod

When mongo is up and running, open another tab (I use iTerm) and start insta-organizer server, running:

$ npm start


Firstly we have to build the application:

$ gulp

This command concatenates, uglifies, compress and moves all the files into the dist folder: /client/dist

The simplest way to start the client is to start a HTTP Server with Python (default port 8000).

$ cd client/dist
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer

At this point open browser and visit: http://localhost:8000

Run tasks with gulp

  • Run gulp watch for live compiling SCSS and JS
  • Run gulp build for building You can find all the tasks in the gulp folder

Unit test

To test the models you can run:

$ npm test

Instagram Token

This project is using a dummy application created ad hoc for it, called insta-organizer-dev.

If you want to create your instagram application and use your credentials, you can change them here:

  • server/config/settings.js contains the clientSecret
  • client/config/appConfig.js contains the clientId

TODO list

  • I want deploy the project to divshot and mongoLab to make it live. (WIP: http://development.insta-organizer.divshot.io/)
  • Write more (unit and E2E) tests.
  • Redis would be a good solution to cache the user actions and the requests.
  • I discovered that Instagram API allow only 20 actions per hour. (is there somehow a way to get more requests?)
  • Follow action doesn't show if the request is pending (people have private Instagram accounts).
  • The wall should load more pictures when scrolling down. (not so much value on this - the user can go to Instagram)
  • Create a dashboard with some infografics: %gender, top locations, # comments and other stats