
Natsume writing assistance system data processor and server

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0



Natsume writing assistance system data processor and server source code.

For those that wish to use the Natsume system, please go to the official page:




To setup a development environment, start a REPL (with or without cider):

boot dev
boot cider dev

Run go to initiate and start the system.

user=> (go)

By default this creates a web server at http://localhost:3000.

When you make changes to your source files, use reset to reload any modified files and restart the server.

user=> (reset)
:reloading (...)


natsume-server is written in Clojure, and thus requires a working Java environment to run. All development is done on the IcedTea 8 JVM (OpenJDK), though other versions (7) should work.

A PostgreSQL database is required as well. Currently all testing is done on the 9.5 release.

natsume-server additionally makes use of MeCab and CaboCha.

Free-floating jars

Unfortunately, the following free-floating jars need to be downloaded and installed into a local maven repo:

mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.chasen -DartifactId=cabocha -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=0.69 -Dfile=/usr/share/java/cabocha/CaboCha.jar -DgeneratePom=true


Running with lein

The simplest way to run natsume-server is to use lein in the project directory.

lein run /path/to/corpus/dir/

Corpus processing: Extraction (for word embedding training etc.)

boot run --extract --unit suw --out corpus-file.tsv

Planned Features

Integration with automatic error correction/feedback system Nutmeg

  • provide an API from Natsume to Nutmeg to ease register (genre) error detection
    • at the token level
    • at the collocation level
    • for both levels include the option of sending back example sentences with query included (this should also be offered as a separate API)
  • provide fulltext search API (perhaps using Elastic Search (Elastisch in Clojure); maybe even generalize it so that register error detection could be possible)

Integration with reading assistance system Asunaro

  • add functionality to help read example sentences in Natsume
    • tree view or dependency link view in JavaScript (by translating the existing Java program; or from scratch for the dependency view)

Learner dashboard

  • provide a dashboard displaying everything the user did, using cookies and totally optional (make sure to save old Apache logs!)
    • need to record all user input and clicks (an expansion of the users/history tables in Asunaro)
    • provide a user login system (OAuth?/standard)
  • provide review/learning tasks based on users input and level
    • help build up vocabulary by using cloze test-like quizzes
    • integrate with Natane learner database to train against common errors (per native language)


0.2.0 - initial release

0.3.0 - basic collocation extraction

0.4.0 - token and collocation information offered as API

0.6.0 - pattern matching and transformation rule engine/state machine inspired by CQL/MQL


1.0.0 - working release ready to replace current main site


Copyright © 2012-2018 Bor Hodošček

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.