
Scripts for unlinking a program back into relocatable object ELF files with Ghidra

Primary LanguagePython

⚠ This repository is obsoleted by https://github.com/boricj/ghidra-unlinker-extension

Unlinker scripts for Ghidra

This set of Ghidra scripts allows one to unlink programs analyzed with Ghidra back into relocatable ELF object files.

Possible applications include:

  • Relinking the generated relocatable object files to recreate a working ELF program with the same behavior as the original one, even if the original program isn't an ELF program.
  • Use both original and replacement relocatable object files to modify a program, by substituting functions or data at the symbol level.
  • Decompile a program back by writing reimplementations of the generated object files, one at a time, while relinking to ensure the program has no changes in behavior with the rewritten source code.


  • Analyze a program with Ghidra.
  • Prepare an invocation script using UnlinkerSamples.py as a reference.
  • Invoke the script on a open program.

The sample script outputs a set of object files in a directory. Each generated object file also has a companion log file for troubleshooting unlinking issues/failures.


A Ghidra archived project for all samples is provided at tests/reference/samples.gar.

MIPS32 little-endian Linux programs

The programs at tests/reference/libunlinker/mips32el/linux used as part of the test suite demonstrates the usage of the unlinker. The sample programs themselves can be executed with a QEMU userspace emulator on non-MIPS environments.


To run tests, execute the following command:

jython -m unittest discover tests/ 'Test*.py'

The test suite does not require Ghidra to execute, but it requires a Jython interpreter. A standalone Jython interpreter can be found inside Ghidra/Features/Python/lib/ in a Ghidra installation, it can be invoked with:

  • Bash: java -jar "${GHIDRA_HOME}/Ghidra/Features/Python/lib/jython-standalone-2.7.2.jar"
  • PowerShell: java -jar "${env:GHIDRA_HOME}/Ghidra/Features/Python/lib/jython-standalone-2.7.2.jar"


  • Only supports little-endian, 32-bit MIPS programs.
  • Requires a lot of improvements for real-world programs.