Convert your LinkedIn Profile page into a printable Resume page with just one click.
More can be found at:
Note that I also have a Chrome Extension version of this, available via GitHub and via the Chrome Web Store:
== Description ==
Do you have a LinkedIn Profile? Have you ever tried to print it as a resume? Well, I tried, but couldn't find anything that did what I wanted it to. So I made something that did.
All the code is doing is hiding several parts of the page that shouldn’t be printed, then restyling several other parts to make them look, and print, better.
Exact steps to customize and reproduce the Bookmark code can be found inside the JS file itself.
Please let me know if you have any questions/suggestions/thoughts,
== Installation ==
- Create a browser Bookmark
- Give it a title, something like "LinkedIn Resume"
- Copy/paste the compressed JavaScript function into the URL of the Bookmark
- Go to your LinkedIn Profile page (I recommend using "View profile as: Connections")
- Click the Bookmark
- Your Profile should immediately transform into a page that looks good on the screen and prints well.
== Changelog ==
= 2.1 2015-03-16 =
- Added recommendation to use "View profile as: Connections" view
= 2.0 2015-03-11 =
- Embarassingly, nearly two years (!) after the first push, I've finally been pushed hard enough to update this for LinkedIn's current layout. Sorry to those that have been frustrated, and thanks to those that kicked me in the butt.
= 1.0 2013-07-21 =
- Initial code push